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Scrambled Veggie Omelette

I cook this recipe, or variations of it, every Sunday in order to set myself up with a swift, delicious, healthy, hot, gluten free breakfast option. For me, it’s because I am up to be at work by 6am or earlier, however I’m sure every busy person could use some extra time and a clever plan to start the each weekday on the front foot.


Thinly sliced or diced: 1 large tomato   / 1 red onion/   6 large mushrooms/   1 red capsicum

Coarsely Grated: 1 large zucchini

Optional Extra:   ham or bacon pieces or finely chopped leftover meat

Plus: Olive oil  / Moroccan spice or mixed herbs/ 10 eggs



  • Prepare all vegetables.
  • Heat a large fry pan on high.
  • Add a splash of olive oil and coat all of the pan’s surface.
  • Add all vegetables (and meat if chosen).
  • Sprinkle Moroccan spice according to taste (this already contains salt).
  • If mixed herbs are preferred, then also add salt and pepper according to taste.
  • Stir occasionally to ensure even cooking of all.
  • Whilst cooking, crack eggs into a large bowl to ensure easy stirring without spills
  • Mix eggs. I use a hand whisker to make life easy for myself.
  • When vegetables are cooked through and the juices are minimal, it is time to add the egg mixture
  • Add the eggs over the vegetable mixture.
  • Stir through the vegetables so all are thoroughly combined.
  • Turn heat down to medium.
  • Stir occasionally or flip portions to ensure even cooking.
  • Once cooked through, serve into 5 – 6 even portioned bowls or containers.
  • Once cooled, place into the fridge.
  • At the time of eating, 1 minute or so should be ample to heat your omelette in the microwave.


By Veena Gollop
Fitness Inside Out Licensee